School Day
Morning Sessions
Year R - Year 2 8.50 -12.15
Year 3 - 6 8.55 -12.15
Afternoon Sessions
Year R - Year 2 1.15 - 3.20
Year 3 - 6 1.15 - 3.25
Children in the Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) finish school at 3.10.
Members of the senior leadership team will be on duty at 8.40 on the Infant gate and at 8.45 on the Junior gate. At the end of the school day, staff will accompany children from their classroom on to the playground for collection. Years 4, 5 and 6 are dismissed from the courtyard doors.
Children in year 5 and 6 may leave the school on their own once the school has received written parent consent via the school office.