Tubbenden Primary School

SEND Provision


Inclusion Manager (SENCo) : Mrs J Brown

Headteacher: Mrs Brigitte Bruce


At Tubbenden Primary School, we value and celebrate each individual; Inclusion is central to our ethos and to the culture of our whole school community.

We achieve educational inclusion by:

  • Ensuring that every child is valued for what they bring to our community.
  • Recognising, identifying and overcoming potential barriers to learning.
  • Being sensitive to a wide range of different learning needs.
  • Ensuring that targets for all pupils are challenging, aspirational and appropriate for each individual.


The Inclusion Manager is responsible for:

  • Co-ordinating the provision for those children in the school who have been identified as having SEND and developing the school's SEND policy.
  • Strategic planning for the development of SEND provision across the school.
  • Monitoring those pupils who have been highlighted as needing more targeted support or who are on the SEND Register.  Tracking progress data and effectiveness of provision and interventions.
  • Reporting to governors.
  • Liaising with a range of outside agencies who can offer advice advice and support to help pupils overcome barriers to learning and other difficulties  and who can offer advice and support to families.
  • Within the school, the Inclusion Manager provides specialist advice and training to staff in order to ensure they have the knowledge and skills required to meet a range of needs.
  • Ensuring parents are:

-Involved in supporting their child's learning and access.

-Consulted and kept informed about the range and level of support offered to their child.

-Included in reviewing how their child is doing.

-Consulted about planning successful movement (transition) to a new class or school.


Other key members of staff within the SEND team at Tubbenden Primary School

Mrs L Crawford Deputy Headteacher, Safeguarding Lead, Behaviour Lead and Mental Health Lead
Miss H Dales Family Support Worker
Mrs D Wright Specialist Speech and Language Assistant
Miss N Sparks SEN Administrative Assistant and specialist teaching assistant for pupils with Dyslexia and other Literacy difficulties
Miss C Belinfantie Learning Mentor
Mrs M Hudd and Mr G Casey Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
Mrs J Marsh Specialist Interventions TA


SEND Information Report 2023 - 2024