Tubbenden Primary School

Chair of Governors Welcome

We want an environment at Tubbenden where every child can thrive, not just in the core areas such as Maths and English, but in all areas including sport, music and relationships. Happiness and success is our school motto and that is what the governing board is here to ensure we achieve for all involved – pupils, parents, staff and (not forgetting) governors as well.

Tubbenden is part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) called SOLA and it is the SOLA Board of Trustees that has ultimate accountability for the running of the trust. Each of the seven schools in SOLA has a Local Governing Body whose role it is to set the direction for that school and hold the Headteacher and their management team to account for getting there.

To do this, we all need to work together to identify and overcome any obstacles. Sometimes this can be tricky but our decisions are always grounded in evidence and with children at the heart.  We are supportive and challenging and provide confident, strategic leadership and create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.

Practically, the governors meet as a group at least twice a term and each governor has an individual accountability to monitor progress of the schools improvement plan. We are keen to hear from you on what you think and how we are doing. You can do this by emailing me, as our Chair chairtps@solamat.co.uk, sending a letter addressed to The Chair of Governors c/o Tubbenden Primary School or just by talking to any member of the governing board when you see us!

We will also keep you updated on key developments through the Tubbenden Facebook page and our twitter account @TubbendenGovs

You can find out more about SOLA, how we work as Governors and who we are in these pages.


Becky Casey

Chair of Tubbenden Local Governing Body